Since many people will be using the Pakistan Flag today (and many use it on their cars and buildings on special occasions) it would be great to know how it is shaped correctly.
The Green Color Code is #006600
When tied to a mast, it must be tied only at the left (at the beginning of the white bar) and left to fly freely without any obstruction.
Official sizes of Pakistani flags are:
For ceremonial occasions. 21' × 14' or 18' × 12' or 10' × 6' or 9' × 6¼'.
For erecting over the buildings. 6' × 4' or 3' × 2'.
For cars 24" × 16".
For tables 10¼" × 8¼".
(For FB and other Social Media it must be reduced proportionately!)
To draw the flag make a box measuring for example 10.25 x 8.25 piece of paper approximately A4 size take 1/4th part of it on the left and paint rest as green
Now draw the crescent and moon as shown in the figure blow make sure that one corner of star is exactly pointing to top right corner of the flag and the center point of the circle of the moon is exactly the center of the green part of the flag.
The flag was designed by a distant relative of mine, Mr Amir-ud-din Khidwai.
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