When T2F started 10 years ago Sabeen and I decided that every month we'd bring out a single magazine that we'd keep for reading at the old Ittehad T2F.
We did two of them in the next months… and a once-regular visitor, who came to T2F almost every day, said: They are lovely. Why don't you print them and pass them around, free? Not that that would have been easy, what with printing costs. And then to give them out FREE?
I went up to him and whispered closely in his ear: We've done many things and have been called several names, but 'Chootiya' we have never been called.
A month passed and both magazines disappeared from T2F.
We were told that they had been taken away by him.
And he said he had our permission.
So the T2F Readers ended then.
For those who remember them, and for those who are new to T2F, I thought I'd celebrate Sabeen's 43rd Birthday by putting both of these as Downloadable PDFs today. The Cover Art was Sabeen's - a lovely designer - and the selections were mine.
Click the links below.
Covers and Magazines will be Downloaded
T2F Reader Volume 1
T2F Reader Volume 2
Have a really happy birthday, Sab.